How Can I Retain Employees

How Can I Retain Employees? Keeping your best talent is essential for success in a competitive job market. The average turnover rate among US businesses between 2022 and 2023 was 17.3%, meaning a significant portion of your workforce could be leaving each year, taking valuable skills, experience, and knowledge with [...]

2024-03-25T12:34:22-04:0025. March 2024|Categories: B2B Business News|

How Can I Reduce Recruiting Costs?

How Can I Reduce Recruiting Costs? Finding the right talent is crucial for any business, but the recruitment process can be a major cost factor. It can quickly drain your budget and resources, hindering your ability to grow. This blog post is your guide to reducing recruiting costs and attracting [...]

2024-03-25T12:35:07-04:0025. March 2024|Categories: B2B Business News|

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)?

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)? Nowadays, most employers are using digital platforms to search for high-quality talent. Through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, employers can find talent quicker and more affordable than ever. These platforms have reduced hiring processes and expenses, making [...]

2024-03-25T12:35:42-04:0025. March 2024|Categories: B2B Business News|

How to Draw Attention to Yourself as an Employer with an Employer Award

How to Draw Attention to Yourself as an Employer with an Employer Award In the competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. A company with a low retention rate is viewed as a leader in its field, yet many organizations have high turnover rates. Many believe a [...]

2024-03-25T12:30:50-04:0025. March 2024|Categories: B2B Business News|

Climate-neutral: What does that mean?

Climate-neutral living means that one’s behavior, products or services do not increase the amount of climate-damaging gases in the atmosphere. Both companies and private households can help reduce CO2 emissions. According to experts, this is sorely needed, as excessive emissions of CO2 and other pollutants are the leading cause of [...]

2024-03-25T12:13:40-04:0025. March 2024|Categories: B2B Business News|
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