About Bernhard Scharfenberg

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So far Bernhard Scharfenberg has created 77 blog entries.

Work from Home / Remote Work: Benefits and Challenges

Over the last few years, remote work has revolutionized how companies manage their operations and workers manage their work-life schedules. The present work-from-home model is not a temporary phenomenon but a new normal in the world of work. It has created more space and choices for employees to work from [...]

Impact of Automation and AI on HR: The Future is Here

The process of automation and AI has brought about change within the human resource functions and made the work easier and much more efficient. These technologies are not mere fads; they rapidly reshape human resource function by altering how organizations approach recruitment and employee lifecycle management. Today, HR is leveraging [...]

What Does Sustainability Mean?

Sustainability is a concept that has taken center stage in the current world, but do we know the meaning behind the term? In its simplest sense, sustainability is defined as the development that does not threaten the existence and well-being of future generations. This concept covers the ecological, social, and [...]

How Seals of Quality Influence Consumer Behavior?

Seals of quality are symbols or logos representing that a particular product or service has undergone a certain standard of quality. These are provided by organizations, industry groups, or the government. These seals offer consumers confidence in a product or service's quality, dependability, and safety. In the current world, quality [...]

Tips For Combating The Labor Shortage In Your Company

The current labor shortage has been an issue for businesses in all sectors, but companies can use some effective methods to get the workforce they need. The following are practical recommendations that may assist your organization to overcome this challenge. Offer Competitive Compensation Packages When the labor market is relatively [...]

How Can I Become More Sustainable With My Company?

Sustainability is a critical factor slowly becoming a key aspect of business management. With increasing pressure on the effects of business on the environment, organizations are encouraged to embrace measures that will help reduce their environmental footprint. It is a common misperception that making a company more sustainable is costly [...]

Employee Retention: How to Prevent Fluctuation

Employee turnover is a critical problem in the current business environment for any organization that seeks to be competitive. More and more companies are asking themselves: how can we prevent fluctuation? High turnover rates are a problem because they affect the flow of work, raise the costs of hiring [...]

Sustainability: Why Should My Company Become More Sustainable?

Sustainability is no longer optional. An increasing number of firms are being forced to incorporate environmental management into their strategies due to rising customer pressure and the enforcement of stringent laws. The public has become more conscious of the environment. Hence, buying eco-friendly products has become more important as society [...]

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