Do you want to maximize your company’s sales? Here you will find tips on how to increase your sales.

A Comprehensive Guide on Employer Branding Framework

Today's generation has many job opportunities, making finding, approaching, and retaining quality employees challenging. This is where a good employer brand comes in handy. But what do we mean by the term employer brand? In its simplest terms, it is the reputation that your company has in the eyes of [...]

Key Elements to Increase Your Employer Attractiveness

In today's fast-paced world of work, an employer's attractiveness plays a decisive role in appealing to and retaining talent. Companies that position themselves as top employers not only attract highly qualified specialists but also retain them in the long term. But what makes an employer attractive? It goes far beyond [...]

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)?

Nowadays, most employers are using digital platforms to search for high-quality talent. Through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, employers can find talent quicker and more affordable than ever. These platforms have reduced hiring processes and expenses, making this a popular strategy for hiring in [...]

How to Draw Attention with an Employer Award

In the competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. A company with a low retention rate is viewed as a leader in its field, yet many organizations have high turnover rates. Many believe a 90% retention rate is "good." However, according to the Bureau of Labor [...]

Climate-neutral: What Does That Mean?

Climate-neutral living means that one’s behavior, products or services do not increase the amount of climate-damaging gases in the atmosphere. Both companies and private households can help reduce CO2 emissions. According to experts, this is sorely needed, as excessive emissions of CO2 and other pollutants are the leading cause of [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Employer Seals

Was your company impacted by the Great Resignation? Employees began leaving their positions in record numbers during 2021, with 47.4 million American workers voluntarily quitting. These trends trickled into 2022, with data showing that more than 50 million workers left positions during the year. What is causing employees to [...]

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