Would you like to know what my employees think? Here you will find tips on how to survey your employees.

Remote Work: Impacts on Employer Image + Attractiveness

Working from home is one of the latest trends in the modern workplace. Many people have realized that it is no longer a luxury; it has become almost a necessity. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this process. Today, organizations are learning about the impact of remote work on their brand image [...]

A Comprehensive Guide on Employer Branding Framework

Today's generation has many job opportunities, making finding, approaching, and retaining quality employees challenging. This is where a good employer brand comes in handy. But what do we mean by the term employer brand? In its simplest terms, it is the reputation that your company has in the eyes of [...]

Key Elements to Increase Your Employer Attractiveness

In today's fast-paced world of work, an employer's attractiveness plays a decisive role in appealing to and retaining talent. Companies that position themselves as top employers not only attract highly qualified specialists but also retain them in the long term. But what makes an employer attractive? It goes far beyond [...]

What Do Generation X, Y, and Z Wish from their Employer?

Understanding the expectations of Generations X, Y, and Z is essential for a dynamic workplace. Here's a brief look at what each generation looks for in an employer: Gen X values independence and seeks supportive work environments. Gen Y wants flexible, impactful careers. Gen Z looks for tech-rich workplaces [...]

What Makes an Employer A Great Place to Work?

A great place to work isn't defined solely by salaries or perks; it's about balance, benefits, culture, and security. These pillars are crucial for employee satisfaction and a company's success. A positive work environment also lowers recruitment costs, boosts retention rates, and enhances employee branding. A strong reputation as a [...]

Exploring the Impact of a 4-Day Work Week on Companies

Working less can lead to more productivity, more innovation, and a more engaged workforce. For this reason, many companies are introducing the 4-day week. Employees' needs are changing. After the pandemic, they want more flexibility. Although four-day work weeks sound counterintuitive, many companies are experiencing great results. For instance, [...]

10 Trends in Employer Branding You Cannot Miss!

Employer branding is how companies create and show their current and potential employees a positive image. Based on the company's mission, values, and culture, this image showcases what the company is really about. A good employer brand brings many benefits. Firstly, it can reduce hiring costs by making the [...]

Top 8 Current Trends in HR Marketing

The competition for top talent is getting stronger, and HR departments are discovering that more than old recruitment and retention techniques are needed. Companies now use creative HR marketing strategies to stand out and retain the best candidates. In this blog post, we will explore the newest trends in HR [...]

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