Family-friendly employers help you to appeal to employees for whom family friendliness is important when choosing a job. The quality seal is ideal for your employer branding strategy and for developing your employer brand. The certification for family-friendly employers consists of two elements:
Anonymous, representative employee survey: In the certification process, an anonymous and representative survey (full survey) of employees is conducted first, with a focus on family friendliness. The exact contents of the survey can be found in the terms and conditions of the award and meet scientific standards.
HR interview: This is followed by an (online) HR interview. The employer’s HR department is interviewed. Of interest here, for example, are the additional offers made by the employer that qualify it as a family-friendly employer. Other topics include corporate culture and planning and development.
The information provided by the employer is randomly checked against publicly available data. The employee survey and the HR interview are each given a 50% weighting in the overall assessment.
We help you in your search for qualified specialists and support you in demonstrating your attractiveness as an family friendly employer in a credible manner.
The Family friendly Employer seal is more than just a certification—it symbolizes your dedication to creating an exceptional family friendly workplace. This seal is recognized and serves as a mark of quality that distinguishes your company as a leader in employee satisfaction and organizational culture.
Your Roadmap To Be A Family Friendly Employer
Costs of Certification to Be a Family Friendly Employer
- -Survey (digital)
- -Audit (online)
- -Evaluation (excel)
- -Quality seal (digital)
- -Certificate (digital)
Basic Plus
- -Survey (digital)
- -Audit (online)
- -Evaluation (excel)
- -Quality seal (digital)
- -Certificate (digital)
- -Landing page
- -Survey (digital)
- -Audit (online)
- -Evaluation (excel)
- -Quality seal (digital)
- -Certificate (digital)
- -Landing page
- -Facebook post
- -Linkedin post
- -Instagramm post
- -Press release
- -Survey (digital)
- -Audit (online)
- -Evaluation (excel)
- -Quality seal (digital)
- -Certificate (digital)
- -Landing page
- -Facebook post
- -Linkedin post
- -Instagramm post
- -Press release
- -Distribution of the press release
What Sets Our Quality Seals Apart
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Certified companies are often more successful in their field of business because they value quality.
Customer and employee surveys show appreciation for the respondents and thus increase their trust.