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Recruitment: The Key to Building a Strong Workforce

Recruitment is one of the most significant functions that can determine the outcomes of any organization. Introducing new employees to the company is essential for change, creativity, and better performance. Organizations can identify individuals with the right skills and experience. In doing so, they build their teams, enhance performance, and [...]

Employee Absences – Strategies to Mitigate the Challenges

Employee absences are not a simple issue that directly impacts a company’s expenses and output; there is more to it. The CDC estimates that absenteeism costs employers $225.8 billion annually in the United States. This includes costs such as wages for employees who are away from work, the cost of [...]

Employee Engagement – The Key to a Thriving Workplace

Employee engagement has been identified as a critical factor in the current world, where work demands a lot of attention. Not only are employees more productive, but they are also less likely to jump ship, give their best ideas, or create a toxic work environment. Such an environment will ultimately [...]

The Most Important KPIs in Recruiting

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the most effective metrics that define the efficiency of the recruitment process and its results. Within the talent acquisition process, which is a business function that depends on an organization's ability to attract and retain the best talent, choosing the right KPIs will help measure [...]

5 Things That Generation X Wants from an Employer

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is the middle generation in the current working population. Gen Xers, often called the ‘latchkey generation’ due to having grown up with parents at work, are very practical, self-sufficient, and flexible. Although the millennials are on one side and the baby boomers on [...]

Top SEO Tips for Improving Your Recruiting Website

SEO is an important tool to ensure that your recruiting website reaches the right talent and is well-ranked in the search engines. In the recruitment industry, it is crucial to differentiate between excellent contestants to get the right candidates. Below are some guidelines that will help you make your recruiting [...]

5 Tips for Credible Employer Branding

It has become difficult for companies to get and retain good workers in the current world, which is why every organization needs to be competitive. Among the important things that every employer should do is to communicate the employer brand to potential and current employees. Employer branding is not just [...]

Tips for Creating TikTok Videos for Employer Branding

TikTok has emerged as a strategic channel through which firms can communicate their employer branding and engage with the younger generation of workers coming of age, generation Z. Given that TikTok is a short video platform, it provides a great way to explain why your company is a good one [...]

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