Are you looking for an award for your company? Find out more about awards and how they can help you.

These Are the Questions You Should Ask in a Customer Survey

The more you understand your customers, the better you can make your business. Customer Surveys are a very effective way to gain insight into what customers think about the product, service, or business in general. However, asking the right questions to get useful answers is the most important thing. This [...]

Advantages of Regular Representative Customer Surveys

In today's world, every business faces intense competition; recognition and fulfilling customer requirements are vital for its long-term success. A proven technique that can help gather valuable insights about customers' preferences, satisfaction, or expectations is a periodic and random survey of the customers.  These surveys help acquire accurate information that [...]

What Makes an Employer A Great Place to Work?

A great place to work isn't defined solely by salaries or perks; it's about balance, benefits, culture, and security. These pillars are crucial for employee satisfaction and a company's success. A positive work environment also lowers recruitment costs, boosts retention rates, and enhances employee branding. A strong reputation as a [...]

10 Trends in Employer Branding You Cannot Miss!

Employer branding is how companies create and show their current and potential employees a positive image. Based on the company's mission, values, and culture, this image showcases what the company is really about. A good employer brand brings many benefits. Firstly, it can reduce hiring costs by making the [...]

How Can I Reduce Recruiting Costs?

Finding the right talent is crucial for any business, but the recruitment process can be a major cost factor. It can quickly drain your budget and resources, hindering your ability to grow. This blog post is your guide to reducing recruiting costs and attracting top talent without breaking the [...]

What is Social Media Recruitment (Social Recruiting)?

Nowadays, most employers are using digital platforms to search for high-quality talent. Through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, employers can find talent quicker and more affordable than ever. These platforms have reduced hiring processes and expenses, making this a popular strategy for hiring in [...]

How to Draw Attention with an Employer Award

In the competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. A company with a low retention rate is viewed as a leader in its field, yet many organizations have high turnover rates. Many believe a 90% retention rate is "good." However, according to the Bureau of Labor [...]

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