What makes an employer attractive? Find out what you can do to be perceived as an attractive employer.

Burnout & Wellbeing — Employee Mental Health in HR

Today’s world is busy, so employees' health is more critical than ever. This is where the challenges of burnout come in while trying to create a healthy working culture for employees. The numbers on burnout and well-being can help HR leaders know what steps to take. Let’s look at some [...]

The Importance of Employee Retention

Employee retention is a big issue affecting companies across the globe. In addition to the financial burden, high turnover rates also cost the organization in terms of culture and production. Talent retention is not an easy process. It needs to be well planned since numerous benefits come with a steady [...]

Employee Absences – Strategies to Mitigate the Challenges

Employee absences are not a simple issue that directly impacts a company’s expenses and output; there is more to it. The CDC estimates that absenteeism costs employers $225.8 billion annually in the United States. This includes costs such as wages for employees who are away from work, the cost of [...]

Employee Engagement – The Key to a Thriving Workplace

Employee engagement has been identified as a critical factor in the current world, where work demands a lot of attention. Not only are employees more productive, but they are also less likely to jump ship, give their best ideas, or create a toxic work environment. Such an environment will ultimately [...]

Work from Home / Remote Work: Benefits and Challenges

Over the last few years, remote work has revolutionized how companies manage their operations and workers manage their work-life schedules. The present work-from-home model is not a temporary phenomenon but a new normal in the world of work. It has created more space and choices for employees to work from [...]

Tips For Combating The Labor Shortage In Your Company

The current labor shortage has been an issue for businesses in all sectors, but companies can use some effective methods to get the workforce they need. The following are practical recommendations that may assist your organization to overcome this challenge. Offer Competitive Compensation Packages When the labor market is relatively [...]

Employee Retention: How to Prevent Fluctuation

Employee turnover is a critical problem in the current business environment for any organization that seeks to be competitive. More and more companies are asking themselves: how can we prevent fluctuation? High turnover rates are a problem because they affect the flow of work, raise the costs of hiring [...]

Steps To Promote Health of Your Employees

In the current global market, it is not enough to care for employees’ well-being; it is a necessity. The presence of healthy employees boosts performance, increases their commitment, and reduces turnover, making wellness at the workplace a strategic business imperative. The proactive measures to ensure employees’ health as employers and [...]

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