Generation Z is the name given to a generation of people born in a certain period of time.

Work from Home / Remote Work: Benefits and Challenges

Over the last few years, remote work has revolutionized how companies manage their operations and workers manage their work-life schedules. The present work-from-home model is not a temporary phenomenon but a new normal in the world of work. It has created more space and choices for employees to work from [...]

5 Things Generation Z Wants From an Employer

Generation Z, often called Gen Z, includes individuals born roughly between 1997 and 2012. They are coming into the workforce with new ideas, ethical standards, and perceptions of how work should be done. Employers know what is essential to this generation, so they can use them and ensure that they [...]

Remote Work: Impacts on Employer Image + Attractiveness

Working from home is one of the latest trends in the modern workplace. Many people have realized that it is no longer a luxury; it has become almost a necessity. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this process. Today, organizations are learning about the impact of remote work on their brand image [...]

A Comprehensive Guide on Employer Branding Framework

Today's generation has many job opportunities, making finding, approaching, and retaining quality employees challenging. This is where a good employer brand comes in handy. But what do we mean by the term employer brand? In its simplest terms, it is the reputation that your company has in the eyes of [...]

What Do Generation X, Y, and Z Wish from their Employer?

Understanding the expectations of Generations X, Y, and Z is essential for a dynamic workplace. Here's a brief look at what each generation looks for in an employer: Gen X values independence and seeks supportive work environments. Gen Y wants flexible, impactful careers. Gen Z looks for tech-rich workplaces [...]

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