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Why do certain products or services instantly make you feel more confident about your purchase? Maybe you’ve been in a store before where you’ve compared two similar items. One of them has a small, official-looking badge on it — a quality seal.
This badge might be just a tiny image, but somehow it makes the product feel like the safer, smarter choice. Why is that? Even more importantly, how can you make use of this incredibly influential tool for your own business?
Quality seals are more than just decorative stickers. They symbolize trust, reliability, and excellence. Many consumers automatically place your product and your brand on a higher level if it has a quality seal.
Today, we will talk about what quality seals are, how much of an impact they have on consumer behavior, and how you can get a quality seal for your products.
What is a Quality Seal?

Quality Seal: World´s Best Employer in the United States
At its core, a quality seal is a certification that a product, service, or company meets specific standards. These could be standards of quality, safety, or reliability – depending on the type of quality seal. It’s like a stamp of approval from an independent, trusted authority. To consumers, this screams: “This product is worth your money.”
Quality seals influence consumer confidence. When a customer sees a seal – especially one that they recognize – it creates a positive association. They are more likely to believe that your offering is safe, effective, and trustworthy.
Essentially, they’ll be more inclined to spend their money on your product or service. This is especially important in a competitive market, where customers are looking for any reason to choose one product over another. Sometimes, a quality seal can be the deciding factor.
What Types of Quality Seals Are There?
There are many different types of quality seals. They each serve a different purpose. There are industry-specific seals (like those for food safety or electronics) and then there are seals that focus on broader aspects (like environmental impact or customer service).
For example, at USIQ, we offer several brand certifications and seals of approval. These include the Climate Neutral Company seal, which recognizes businesses committed to reducing their environmental footprint. Then, there is our Top Service certification, which shows that your company excels in customer service.
We also offer seals that can show your company’s commitment to being a Family Friendly Company, a Top Employer, or a Trusted Company. There is a seal for every company that is able to excel in a specific area.
By obtaining the quality seal that is right for you, you can make your business stand out in the market against the competition. You can also gain the trust and loyalty of consumers who truly value quality and are looking for a reliable brand.
How Quality Seals Influence Consumer Behavior
We’ve already talked a bit about how a quality seal can influence which product or service a consumer chooses – and it’s true. Consumers often rely on more than just product descriptions and price tags. Sure, these may play a big role – and so do the appearance and packaging of a product. Butt often consumers are looking for more. They’re looking for signs that tell them, “This is a safe choice,” “This is a quality product,” or “This is a company that seriously cares about the environment.”
A study provided empirical evidence for the effect of trust marks on the conversion rate. Based on session data from a website, the presence of a quality seal increases the conversion rate at an aggregated level from 2.90% to 5.33%. This corresponded to an increase of 83.79%. The authors say, “ We conclude that the risk perceived by consumers while shopping online is partially mitigated when a trusted third party provides an assurance seal that endorses the quality claims of the online retailer. The seal acts as an additional signal of the online retailer’s quality, reducing the amount of information asymmetry perceived by consumers and thereby facilitating their purchasing decisions” (Koray Özpolat, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Wolfgang Jank, Siva Viswanathan (2013) Research Note—The Value of Third-Party Assurance Seals in Online Retailing: An Empirical Investigation. Information Systems Research 24(4):1100-1111.
The Psychological Impact of Quality Seals
Did you know that there is quite a lot of science behind this? Quality seals tap into a fundamental psychological principle known as social proof.
What is social proof? In simple terms, it means that people tend to follow the actions of others when they are uncertain about what to do. In the case of deciding between two similar products, a consumer might look for a quality seal as social proof.
This is because the seal works as a form of third-party endorsement. To the consumer, it signals that an independent authority has vetted and approved the product. This can create an immediate perception of trust.
Put yourself in the position of shopping online for a new kitchen appliance. You come across two similar products: one has a quality seal prominently displayed, the other one doesn’t.
Even if you don’t know much about the seal itself, you’re very likely to feel more confident choosing the product that has the seal.
This confidence in certified products comes from the psychological comfort of knowing that someone else (presumably an expert) has given the product their stamp of approval.
Building Consumer Trust
Without trust, business relationships fail. A business certification can help build successful business relationships. When a consumer sees a recognized trust badge, they no longer feel like the purchase is risky. They don’t have the fear of being disappointed by the product anymore. They instantly know that the product has met certain standards.
The Brand’s Reputation
Quality seals go beyond increasing consumer trust in individual products – they can actually enhance your brand’s overall reputation. When your business consistently collects and adds new quality seals to its products, it signals to the market that you prioritize quality. It shows that your company is committed to maintaining high standards.
This commitment to quality can set your brand apart from competitors. It makes it easier for consumers to choose you over others. The positive perception created by these quality seals can drive your sales up and even make consumers willing to pay more for your products.
Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Quality Seal
As you can see, applying for a quality seal can be a smart move for your business, but there are a few mistakes that you should avoid along the way.
Here are the things you should not do, along with advice on what you should do instead to make sure your application for a quality seal is successful:
- Skipping the Research: Before applying, make sure you know what’s required. Different quality seals have different standards, which is why it’s important that you choose a quality seal that actually fits your business. If you skip this step, you might end up going for a quality seal that you don’t qualify for or that doesn’t benefit you as much as you would hope.
- Underestimating the Commitment: Getting a product verification isn’t just about passing one test. It also involves ongoing maintenance and yearly tests to make sure you’re still meeting the standards. That way, you can keep your quality seal for the long term. Be ready for this and be committed to upholding your high standards in the future.
- Rushing It: Don’t apply before you feel like you’re fully prepared. Take a good look at your business practices and make sure everything aligns with the certification requirements. If you apply too soon, that could lead to delays or even rejection.
- Not Involving Your Team: Your employees should be aware of the standards you’re aiming for. Inform them and make sure they are on board as well. They need to know what is expected of them, whether that involves a survey or specific standards they need to uphold. This will help you and them maintain the standards required by the quality seal.
If you are still confused about what to do or not to do, don’t stress. You can always reach out to us at USIQ. Let us know what you’re unsure or worried about. We’ll answer your questions about the certification process and give you advice on which quality seal is right for your company.
What If You’re Not Ready to Apply for a Quality Seal?
If you find that your business isn’t quite ready to apply for a product certification, don’t worry. That doesn’t mean you can’t receive a quality seal within the next year or two. All you have to do is start preparing now. Here’s what you can do:
- Make a Plan: Identify the areas where you need improvement. Then create a plan to address them. You should focus on making steady progress rather than rushing and trying to do everything at once.
- Get Expert Help: If you feel like you’re lacking information and guidance, hire a consultant who specializes in quality certifications and quality seals. Alternatively, just reach out to us. We can also help you figure out the steps you need to take to get your company ready for the application.
- Take Your Time: Quality seals are important, but there’s no need to rush. Give yourself enough time to prepare thoroughly so that when you do apply, you can confidently meet the required standards to become a certified brand.
Stay Ahead of the Competition with Quality Seals
If your business is trying to build trust, credibility, and a strong reputation in the market (and what business does not want that), going for a business certification is a great idea.
Quality seals are not just colorful little symbols – they are quite powerful in setting your brand apart and attracting more customers. They help signal to your customers that your company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity. They create trusted products and trusted brands. All in all, they are worth pursuing.
We encourage you to explore the various quality seals that we offer at USIQ. Think about how they might align with your business needs and strengths. Whether you believe a Climate Neutral Company seal is what will work best for you and your business, or if you think the Top Employer seal is what you need, we’re confident that there is a quality seal that will help your company shine.
If you’re looking for more insights and tips on how to grow your business and attract top talent, why don’t you read our article on Everything You Need to Know About Employer Seals? We also have many other articles, such as How to Draw in More Applicants as an Employer. These provide information on how to attract top talent and build a strong employer brand that can compete in the market.
If you feel like you’re ready to take the next step and apply for a quality seal, don’t hesitate to contact us to initiate the process. Our team is here to help you determine which quality seal is right for you, and we will lead you to a successful application.
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